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Home  ~  WatashiWaOndra | profile
Name Ondra
Age 24
City Praha
Sex Man
State Czech Republic
Language Čeština
Not assigned
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My Dream
Rád bych jednou dělal kreativní práci. která by mne naplňovala, třeba žurnalistiku a chtěl bych potkat fajn holku, se kterou by byla zábava a rozuměli bychom si. To jsou moje nejhlubší, skromné sny._______________________________________________________________________A ještě bych chtěl Rammstein steelky.
About Me
Já jsem docela fajn, trochu introvertní chytrý 16letý klučina, se smyslem pro humor a vším, co k tomu patří. Rád naslouchám. Zajímám se o japonskou kulturu, film, fotografii, literaturu, hry... Rád čtu, fotím, mizerně kreslím, píšu knížky a básničky a poslouchám hudbu.
Personal info
Relationship unmarried
Smoking no
Education secondary
Number of children 0
Religion no religion
Occupation / School SPŠST Panská, Filmová a televizní tvorba
Alcohol occasionally
Light drugs no
Zodiacal sign bull
Figure slim
Eye color brown
Hair color brown
Height over 175 cm
Hair length medium
Tattoo I do not have
Piercing I do not have
active, ambitious, pathetic, diplomatic, domesticated, good boy/girl, mild, listening, shy, willing, careful, positive, hardworking, friendly, natural, romantic, resolute, sociable, reliable, spontaneous, thrifty, caring, graceful, quick-tempered, tolerant, honest, serious, faithful, happy, funny
cars, travel, discotheque, theater, housework, movies, photography, history, computer games, music, hra na hudební nástroj, computers, internet, cinema, concerts, do it yourself, literature, shopping, collectibles, nature, family, handmade, desk games, sport, study, creative work, dance, TV, art, cooking, trips to nature, skiing, gardens, singing, animals
Seeking a partner
Relationship serious relationship
Sex woman
to age 13, 13-15 years, 15-17 years, 17-20 years, 20-25 years, 25-30 years, 30-40 years, 40-50 years, 50-60 years, 60 years and over
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