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Jméno katie higgins
Příjmení higgins
Věk 37
Město Maryland City
Pohlaví Žena
Stát United States
Jazyk English
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to see loving and caring partner
O mně
I do not expect perfection but I know I give my best, every day. As Shakepeare said: "Even roses have thorns and silver fountains have mud ..." and so it's OK to have faults. What matters is staying loyal and committed to resolving things to make life better. Life is not always a party, but it's a good time to party, dancing and having a good time is fun and very easy to do. The real beauty in life is when man and woman stand together when times are tough, when the rain falls hard and no one decides to show up. To love and be loved during all times, no matter what life event unfolds - that's all. FAVORITE MEN
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